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  • Full Name: Ansh Khattar
  • College: Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
  • Home: Lucknow
  • Phone Number: 9044850311
  • Email: anshkhattar10@gmail.com
  • CGPA: 8.75

A little about me

I am a budding developer who is also a Front end enthusiast. I hail from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and found my passion in developing websites and web apps while I was a freshman in college.

I find this field of Development and designing so interesting that I often spend my time watching videos of CSS or JS animations. I also blog about these things whenever I get stuck at some point and finally when I find a solution I feel the need of sharing it with others.

Besides development I also enjoy competitve coding regularly because according to me that's one of the most significant digital footprint one can create.

Well, here are some of my skills and what I've really learnt over the years.

Feel free to check out my performance on various competitive coding platforms:


  • MERN Stack
  • Wordpress
  • Java | C++ | Python
  • Javascript Prog
  • MS Office
  • Kotlin
  • Web Scraping

My projects

I have created quite a few projects based on Web Development. Most of them include HTML, CSS and Javascript. To view my entire collection visit my Github account.

If you like my work and wish to collaborate on a project, feel free to contact me via LinkedIn.
Also, here is a glimpse of my work.

My Education

Every step counts.

2019 - Present


Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
4 th year CSE Undergrad
CGPA: 8.75
Course Overview
Aspects of modern computer science such as Software engineering, learning Data structures and algorithms. Also, industry based courses like Microprocessors and IoT.

2004 - 2019


Spring Dale College, Lucknow

Thank you

I hope you liked what you saw. Feel free to contact me anytime via any social media link provided below.